Whimsicool Tree

Whimsicool Tree is a project dedicated to capturing different timelines and perspectives of trees.

I first created a digital video on my phone, stacking various angled shots of a tree into a single visual. Building upon this prototype, I expanded the concept into a larger digital composition, using fewer but more diverse tree images on Illustrator. This digital piece served as a guideline for organizing and layering tree visuals in my final analog poster, which explores how trees can be viewed from different perspectives.

The poster’s background consists of stacked newsprint featuring tree descriptions, facts, habitats, and living conditions. On top, layered images showcase different types of trees—such as oak, ginkgo, and birch—across various seasons.

Inspired by my poster, I also designed Instagram filters that visually represent the four seasons through tree imagery on the face. Visit my Whisicool Tree Instagram Page.